After opening a support ticket to open an FTP space, you will need to transfer the catalogue feed into it, which must be in .csv format.
What fields are required in the feed?
The feed should contain the following information:
Position of fields, file extension and separators
1. Position of fields in the path and file extension
The position of the fields in the path and the exported file extension are irrelevant, as each addition is customised by our staff for each customer.
2. Field/row separator
Fields and feed lines must be separated by the use of a symbol.
You can use any field or row separator (the most commonly used are “|” or “;”).
- you cannot use the same separator for both fields and rows.
- the symbol you choose as the field separator must not exist as a datum in the fields.
Example: if you decide to use a semicolon as a field separator, this symbol must never exist within populated fields and cannot be used as a row separator.
Product condition
The product condition field can be optionally entered.
The Condition field must contain one of the following values, depending on the status of the product:
N.B.: The text in the Condition description field must not exceed 255 characters.
Listing with full price strikethrough and discounted price
If you publish on a sales channel that supports price strikethrough (e.g. e-commerce sites, eBay etc.) you can show two prices in the ad:
- Full price strikethrough
- Discounted price
To do this, you must map two columns in the listing feed:
- “Price 1” column: the discounted price will be entered in this column.
- “Price 6” column: the non-discounted starting price should be entered in this column (it will appear struckthrough in the ad).
N.B.: in order to be published, the strikethrough price (price 6) must be higher than the discounted price (price 1).
How to manage variants
Managing variants varies in accordance with the sales channel you choose to publish the catalogue on:
- for Amazon, Eprice, IBS, PcComponentes, Leroy Merlin, ManoMano and Cdiscount, variants are identified by the EAN code, and, in the feed, each variant is coded by a product line.
- for eBay, AliExpress, and e-commerce sites variants must be grouped.
To group variants, they must be encoded within a single Variants field.
The field must be in the following format:
{"sku": "codice_sku_univoco",
"quantity": quantità_variante,
"ean": "codice_ean",
"price": prezzo_variante,
"mpn": "codice_produttore",
"isbn": "codice_isbn",
"title": "titolo_variante",
"url_image": "immagine_variante",
"attributes": {
"nome1": "valore1",
"nome2": "valore2",
..(other attributes)..
..(other variants)..
N.B.: fields in bold are mandatory. Here is an example:
"sku": "000700_0921S_010_249426",
"quantity": 1,
"ean": "8051774939005",
"attributes": {
"size": "46",
"colour": "black"
"sku": "000700_0921S_010_244815",
"quantity": 2,
"ean": "8051774939012",
"attributes": {
"size": "48",
"colour": "red"
"sku": "000700_0921S_010_244816",
"quantity": 4,
"ean": "8051774939029",
"attributes": {
"size": "50"
"sku": "000700_0921S_010_244817",
"quantity": 2,
"ean": "8051774939036",
"attributes": {
"size": "52"
"sku": "000700_0921S_010_244819",
"quantity": 3,
"ean": "8051774939050",
"attributes": {
"size": "56"
"sku": "000700_0921S_010_244820",
"quantity": 5,
"ean": "8051774939067",
"attributes": {
"size": "58"
"sku": "000700_0921S_010_249427",
"quantity": 5,
"ean": "8051774939074",
"attributes": {
"size": "60"
How to manage attributes
The creation of the attributes follows the same logic of the variants, there must be a head and a tail and values inside them.
Here is an example:
{"name":"Produttore processore","value":"Intel"},
{"name":"Famiglia processore","value":"Intel i5"},
{"name":"Modello del processore","value":"i5-1245U"},
{"name":"Generazione del processore","value":"Intel i5 di 12a generazione"}
Mapping the upstream channel category
If you do not want to map the channel category in SellRapido's publication settings, you can map this value directly within the feed.
The listing field containing the marketplace category code to be assigned to the product must be a JSON field and must be in the following format:
{“categories”: [{“channel”: channel_id1, “category_id”: “category_id1”}, {“channel”: channel_id2, “category_id”: “category_id2”}, …]}
Values for "channel" are codes that identify the sales channel and sales country. The following is a list of channels and their codes:
AliExpress English,424
AliExpress Español,430
AliExpress Français,427
AliExpress Italiano,421
Amazon Canada,30
Amazon France,24
Amazon Germany,26
Amazon Italy,28
Amazon Japan,31
Amazon MEX,325
Amazon Netherlands,460
Amazon Spain,27
Amazon Turkish,457
Amazon UK,25
Amazon United Arab Emirates,447
Amazon USA,29
Bestshopping Italy,45
CDiscount France,37
Cliccaprezzi Italy,77
Daasy Italy,46
Doofinder Italy,63
eBay Australia,43
eBay Austria,5
eBay Belgium (Dutch),7
eBay Belgium (French),6
eBay Canada,3
eBay Canada (French),20
eBay China,22
eBay France,8
eBay Germany,9
eBay Hong Kong,13
eBay India,15
eBay Ireland,16
eBay Italy,1
eBay Malaysia,17
eBay Netherlands,10
eBay Philippines,18
eBay Poland,19
eBay Portugal,44
eBay Singapore,14
eBay Spain,11
eBay Sweden,23
eBay Switzerland,12
eBay Taiwan,21
eBay UK,4
eBay USA,2
ePRICE Italy,38
Facebookproducts France,200
Facebookproducts Germany,216
Facebookproducts Italy,47
Facebookproducts Spain,232
Fnac Belgium,415
Fnac France,409
Fnac Portugal,418
Fnac Spain,412
IBS Italia,68
Idealo Italy,57
Kelkoo Italy,58
Kijiji Italy,403
Kirivo Italy,40
OnBuy UK,436
Pagomeno Italy,60
PixPlace Belgium,451
Pixplace France,34
Pixplace Germany,33
Pixplace Italy,32
PixPlace Portugal,454
Pixplace Spain,35
PixPlace UK,36
Prestashop English,391
Prestashop French,397
Prestashop German,400
Prestashop Italian,127
Prestashop Spanish,394
Rakuten France,273 Germany,444
Shoprapido English,140
Shoprapido French,179
Shoprapido German,153
Shoprapido Italian,39
Shoprapido Spanish,166
Shopmania Italy,61
Trovaprezzi Italy,62
Yatego Germany,41
For example, for eBay-it and eBay-UK the field will have the following value:
{“categories”: [{“channel”: 1, “category_id”: “453525”}, {“channel”: 4, “category_id”: “332412”}]}