Cdiscount publication errors


Once you have published one or more products on your sales channels, you must check the ads report, where you can examine any errors and apply the necessary changes for the successful publication of the products. Below is a list of the possible publication errors on Cdiscount and instructions on how to resolve them. 

Product does not exist on Cdiscount

The product does not exist on Cdiscount. Go to the website back office and create the product. If you need more information on how to proceed, open a ticket on Cdiscount.

Unable to read the submission

This is an error on the CDiscount servers; please resubmit your offers.

Go to Pre-sale > Ad reports > select Cdiscount and the relevant listing > Report on current selection > click on No. errors > select the ads with errors (the rows will turn yellow) > resubmit the selected ads.

Alternatively, you can click on Resubmit all ads: all ads with errors will be relaunched.