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  2. Introduction to SellRapido

How SellRapido Works

There are 4 steps to getting started with SellRapido Manager:

Configuring a Sales channel

The first step is to set up a marketplace/e-commerce on which to publish your products. Read the guides.

Loading a catalogue

The second step is to load at least one product catalogue into SellRapido. Read the guides.

Publishing the catalogue

Once you have set up at least one sales channel and one catalogue, you can publish and customise your listings on a marketplace/e-commerce. Read the guides.

Monitoring publications

After publishing the products, you will need to monitor your product uploads to the sales channel to identify and correct any configuration errors. Read the guide.

After publication, you can manage orders and shipments through SellRapido.

The key steps are as follows:

Orders management

Send the order status progress and shipping information to the sales channel. Read the guides.

Transmission of orders to couriers

Communicate quickly and easily with couriers (print waybills, confirm shipments, create borders, etc.). Read the guides.

Invoicing and fees

Manage order invoicing through one of the integrated software programmes and export fee statements. Read the guides.










Invoicing and fees

Manage order invoicing through one of the integrated software programmes and export fee statements. Read the guides.